The berthing fees collected by the Municipal Port Funds are determined by No. 8122.1/29/2014/16-07-2014 (Government Gazette 2032B) K.Y.A., as amended by No. 3113.11/48682/21/6- 7-2021 (Government Gazette 3013B).

The daily docking fee results from the values of the above tables multiplied by the length of the ship and divided by the annual number of days (365).
Catamaran type boats are charged 100% in addition to the above charges in accordance with
the category to which they belong.
to which they belong.
For side mooring there is a 25% extra charge in the mooring fees.
There is a discount on mooring and mooring fees if paid in advance:
a. 20% if paid in advance for one month
b. 30% if paid in advance for one
40% if paid in advance for one year
For the other categories of ships, the fees are collected by the relevant Port Authorities.
Calculate the daily cost of mooring your boat, here. here.
Water-electricity usage invoice
For electricity and water supply from the PILLARS at the port you can get prepaid key cards from the Port Fund offices, which you have to return before your departure from our port. You choose the amount you want to charge to your card, according to your needs. In case you charge your card more than you will actually use or you have credit left in your card, our office cannot make any refunds. Electricity and water charges are as follows: or from the offices of the Port Fund, which you must return back to service before your departure from port, either by our authorized partner which bears blue insignia on his white blouse "ZAKYNTHOS PORT FUND" office here which is located at Ag. Nikolaou (Porto) port of Zakynthos15:00-21:00 (except Monday). Επιλέγετε εσείς το ποσό που θέλετε να καταναλώσετε, ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες σας. In case you load the card with more money than you will use or in case there is a balance left on your card, our service cannot issue a refund. Electricity and water charges are as follows:
Water supply cost: €3.00 /m3.
Electricity cost: €0.70/kWh (220 – 380V / 32 amp).
Instructions for use PILLARS GIGIEFFE